lördag 21 maj 2011

How to make swedish meatballs


We're Caroline, 16 years old, and Elvira, 15 (soon to be 16) years old. We like to listen to music and we often sing and play instruments toghether in our spare time. Caroline also goes dancing and Elvira plays soccer and floorball (if you don't know what that is you'll learn about it later). Both of us like to bake and cook so we decided to make a food video for you to watch. It's about a typical Swedish dish we think you will recognise. :)

Here’s the recipe for the Swedish meatballs, it’s really easy to cook and it’s delicious! If you’re too lazy to cook some for yourself, you can go to IKEA and buy it. J

Swedish meatballs (Köttbullar)

¼ cup cream

1 pound minced meat

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs

1 yellow onion

1 egg

Salt and pepper

Some herbs

Mashed potatoes (Potatismos)

12 middle sized potatoes

2 ounces butter

¾ cup cream or milk

Salt and white pepper

Swedish Gravy (Brunsås)

What’s left in the pan from the meatballs


Soy sauce


Salt and pepper

Teriyaki sauce

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